I am loving life! My kids are awesome and my husband is the absolute best.

I've had a passion for photography for as long as I can remember. I became serious about photography 4 years ago with the birth of my daughter. I bought a camera in order to capture her and my other children growing up.

I started selling stock photography in March of 2005 through iStockphoto.com. Soon after that I started photographing families and children. It brings me great joy to be able to create a gift that lasts a lifetime. Capturing a child's laughter, a teenager's excitement about life, a pregnant mother's anticipation of the arrival of her baby, the love between parents and children, a boy wresting with friends, all those moments will be treasured forever.

I studied graphic design at Utah Valley University and then continued my studies at the University of Utah. It has served me well as photography is the design of capturing light.

Photographs I have taken are on book covers, calenders, posters, cards, advertisments, all over the web, and of course personal family photos hang in homes. Let me capture your family forever in a portrait you'll hold dear for many years to come.

I look forward to meeting you.

Karen Squires
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